Vente: 474 / Art of the 19th Century 23 novembre 2018 à Munich Lot 8

Franz von Defregger
Die Märchenerzählerin, 1870.
Oil on canvas
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 28,750 / $ 31,625

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Die Märchenerzählerin. 1870.
Oil on canvas.
Defregger p. 280. Signed and dated in lower right. 42.4 x 51.5 cm (16.6 x 20.2 in).

PROVENANCE: Private collection René von Schleinitz (1890-1972), Milwaukee/Wisconsin.
Milwaukee Art Center Collection, Milwaukee/Wisconsin, obtained as gift from the René von Schleinitz Foundation on August 21, 1962. Part of the collection until 1999 (verso of frame with the collection label, there with date of reception and the number "M 62.38").
Neumeister, Munich, auction on September 29, 1999, lot 510 (with illu.).
Private collection Southern Germany.

EXHIBITION: Paintings from the Schleinitz Collection. German genre paintings of the 19th Century, Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee/Wisconsin September 13 - October 13, 1968, cat. no. 9, illu. 25.

LITERATURE: Rudolf M. Bisanz, Deutsche Kleinmalerkunst fern der Heimat. Die René-von-Schleitz-Sammlung im Milwaukee Art Museum: Ein Überblick, in: Bruckmanns Pantheon XLV, 1987, pp. 182-186, here p. 185, illu. 6.
Rudolf M. Bisanz, The René von Schleinitz collection of the Milwaukee Art Center. Major schools of German 19th-century popular painting, collection cat. Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee/Wisconsin 1980, p. 67, cat. no. 18.

Franz von Defregger
Die Märchenerzählerin, 1870.
Oil on canvas
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 28,750 / $ 31,625

( frais d'adjudication compris)