Vente: 305 / Rare Books 13/14. novembre 2006 Lot 369

Polyaenus - Stratagematum

Stratagematum, 1589.
€ 200 / $ 220
€ 655 / $ 720

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Polyaenus, Stratagematum libri octo (griech.). Is. Casaubonus Graecé nunc primum edidit ... Adiecta est etiam Iusit Vulteii Latina versio ... Mit 2 Holzschnitt-Druckermarken auf dem Titel und am Ende. Lyon, J. de Tournes 1589. Flex. Pgt. d. Zt. mit hs. RTitel. 16mo. 8 Bll., 754 S., 15 Bll.
Cartier 684. - BM STC, French Books Suppl. S. 61. - Dibdin II, 384 (irrig Leiden). - Schweiger S. 271. - Nicht im BM STC und bei Adams. - Seltene Editio princeps. - Griech.-lat. Paralleltext. - "Isaac Casaubon was the first who gave us the Greek text of Polyaenus, from a very imperfect Ms., which he procured at a great expense. The preface affords an idea of the labour and trouble with which the work was composed." (Dibdin) - Tlw. leicht wasserrandig und stockfl. (gegen Ende deutlicher), 4 Bll. mit Fehlstelle im unt. Rand, Titel mit altem Besitzeintrag.
Scarce Editio princeps. Greek-Latin parallel text. Contemp. limp vellum. - Partly some waterstaining and foxing, 4 leaves with defective spot in the lower margin, ownership inscription by old hand to title.

Stratagematum, 1589.
€ 200 / $ 220
€ 655 / $ 720

( frais d'adjudication compris)