Vente: 528 / Modern Art 11 juin 2022 à Munich Lot 403

Wilhelm Lehmbruck
Badende, 1913.
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 57,500 / $ 63,250

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Badende. 1913.
Schubert 71 A 5. Height: 23.1 cm (9 in).
Fragment of the originally 92 cm tall sculpture. Lifetime cast. Cast before 1919. [AM].
• From Lehmbruck's important days in Paris.
• The year this work was made, 1913, a copy of the "Badende" was on display at the Salon d'Automne in Paris.
• In 1913 Lehmbruck was the only German sculptor represented at the legendary Armory Show in New York

PROVENANCE: Leo Nachtlicht, Berlin, since 1928 the latest (in January 1930 as safety deposit Danat-Bank, later Dresdner Bank).
Galerie Ferdinand Möller, Berlin (in commission from January 1932 - December 1933).
Geheimrat Gustav Brecht, Cologne (in December 1933 acquired from the above).
Christoph Brecht, Essen (inherited from the above).
Ever since family-owned.

The work is free from restitutions claims. The offer is made in amicable agrement with the heirs after Leo Nachtlicht on basis of a fair and just solution.

EXHIBITION: Ausstellung neuerer deutscher Kunst aus Berliner Privatbesitz, Nationalgalerie Berlin April 1928, cat. no. 96 (this copy).
Galerie Ferdinand Möller, Ausstellung 30 deutsche Künstler, July-September 1933, cat. no. 32 (this copy).

LITERATURE: Lynn Rother, Die Dresdner Bank als "marchand-amateur"? Zur Rolle der Banken im Kunstmarkt während des Nationalsozialismus, in: Uwe Fleckner et al (editor), Markt und Macht. Der Kunsthandel im "Dritten Reich", Berlin 2017, pp. 67-91, here pp. 77-81 and 85f. (this copy).
Lynn Rother, Kunst durch Kredit. Die Berliner Museen und ihre Erwerbungen von der Dresdner Bank 1935, Berlin/Boston 2017, p. 197 note 95, pp. 216, 220f. (this copy).
Rechnung der Galerie Ferdinand Möller an Geheimrat Gustav Brecht, Cologne, from December 15, 1933 with payment document from December 19, 1933 and accompanying writing (familiy-owned).
Ohne Titel ("Badende" von Wilhelm Lehmbruck), Nachlass Ferdinand Möller, Berlinische Galerie, Werkfotografien, BG-KA-N/F.Möller-F0743 (this copy).
Letter from August Hoff to Ferdinand Möller, July 2, 1932, estate of Ferdinand Möller, Berlinische Galerie, BG-GFM-C,II 1,126-1,152 (this copy).
Notice of receipt from Nationalgalerie Berlin for the exhibition from 1928, Zentralarchiv der staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, ZA I_NG 719 p. 368 (this copy).

Wilhelm Lehmbruck
Badende, 1913.
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 57,500 / $ 63,250

( frais d'adjudication compris)