Vente: 532 / 19th Century Art 10 décembre 2022 à Munich Lot 312

Wilhelm Trübner
Studiosus Michaelis, mit Papierrolle, 1873.
Oil on canvas
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 13,750 / $ 15,125

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Studiosus Michaelis, mit Papierrolle. 1873.
Oil on canvas.
Rohrandt G 203. Upper right signed and dated. Verso of the canvas with stamps and inventory numbers. Verso of the stretcher inscribed, with stamps and inventory numbers, with an old fragmentarily preserved label, as well as numbered "D 2232". 46 x 30.5 cm (18.1 x 12 in).

• From 1989 to 2022 in the Kurpfälzischen Museum Heidelberg.
• Part of the important Trübner retrospective in 1994/95.
• Restitution case from the acclaimed Collection Carl Sachs

We are grateful to Dr. Klaus Rohrandt, Kiel, for his kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Art trader Jos. Schall, Wiesbaden (1911, presumably on consignment from the artist's).
Artist's estate (until 1918: auction at Lepke).
Collection Carl Sachs (1858-1943), Breslau/Basel (acquired from the above, presumably in 1918, the latest since 1923, until 1943: auction Galerie Fischer).
Works from the Collection Sachs kept at Kunsthaus Zürich, Kunstmuseum Basel und Kunstmuseum Luzern (as of 1934).
"Fischer", no place (acquired in 1943: auction Galerie Fischer).
Art dealer Winfried Flammann, Karlsruhe (acquired in 1988: auction Galerie Fischer).
Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (acquired from the above in August 1989), on loan at Kurpfälzische Museum, Heidelberg.
Returned to the heirs of Carl Sachs in July 2022.
No pending restitution claims.

EXHIBITION: Ausstellung Deutscher Kunst aus der Zeit von 1775-1875, Königliche Nationalgalerie Berlin, 1906, no. 1815.
Sonderausstellung von Gemälden Wilhelm Trübners, Kunstverein Leipzig, Sept.-Oct. 1908, no. 19 (with illu.).
1. Große Kunst-Ausstellung, Wiesbaden 1909, no. 378 or 388 (with illu.).
Große Internationale Kunstausstellung, Kunsthalle Bremen, 1910.
Wilhelm Trübner. Ausstellung anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages, Kunstverein Karlsruhe, February 2 - March 2, 1911, no. 2612.
XXVI. Ausstellung der Berliner Secession, Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9, Berlin 1913, no. 124.
Baltische Ausstellung, Malmö, May 15 - October 4, 1914.
Wilhelm Trübner 1851-1917, Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg, December 10, 1994 - February 19, 1995; Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Munich, March 10 - May 21 1995, cat. no. 25 (with illu.).

LITERATURE: Georg Fuchs, Wilhelm Trübner und sein Werk, Munich 1908, pp. 89f. (illu. 25).
Hans Rosenhagen, Wilhelm Trübner, Bielefeld 1909, p. 80 (illu. 19, p. 22).
Die Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung in Bremen, in: Die Kunst für Alle, 25, 1910, p. 308.
Julius Elias, Wilhelm Trübner, in: Kunst und Künstler, 14, 1916 (illu. p. 188).
Joseph August Beringer, Trübner: des Meisters Gemälde in 450 Abbildungen, Stuttgart 1917, p. XX (with illu. p. 47).
Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions-Haus, Berlin, Nachlass Wilhelm Trübner: Versteigerung (no. 1806b): Eigene Gemälde, Arbeiten seiner Gattin Alice, Werke aus dem Freundeskreise, June 4, 1918, no. 16, illu. plate 11 (note Haberstock: Sachs).
Versteigerung von Trübners Nachlass, in: Kunst und Künstler, 16, 1918, p. 407.
Karl Scheffler, Breslauer Kunstleben, in: Kunst und Künstler, 21, 1923, p. 123 (with illu. on p. 119).
Galerie Fischer, Luzern, Mobiliar aus westschweizerischem Adelsbesitz - Aus Berner und holländischem Privatbesitz - Gemälde alter und neuer Meister, May 25 - 29, 1943, no. 1829.
Galerie Fischer, Luzern, Mobiliar, Kunstgewerbe, teils aus Besitz des Comte de Lenzbourg (..), November 27 - December 1, 1956, no. 2466 (not sold).
Galerie Fischer, Luzern, Möbel, Zinn, Glas, (..) Gemälde alter und moderner Meister, November 8 - 10, 1988, no. 2253 (with illu.).
Monika Tatzkow, "Es schwimmen aber ja im Kunsthandel eine Menge Arbeiten [..] herum aus den Sammlungen ausgewiesener oder geflohener Leute", in: Peter Mosimann und Beat Schönenberger (ed.), Fluchtgut - Geschichte, Recht und Moral, Bern 2015, pp. 37-51, here illu. on p. 44 (on Collection Sachs cf. ibidem).
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Land gibt Trübner-Gemälde an die Erben des jüdischen Industriellen und Kunstsammlers Carl Sachs zurück, press release no. 084/2022,, July 18, 2022.
Land gibt Gemälde an Erben des jüdischen Besitzers zurück, Süddeutsche Zeitung Online, dpa:220718-99-66910/2, July 18, 2022.
Baden-Württemberg gibt Trübner-Gemälde an Erben zurück, Deutschlandfunk Kultur,, July 12, 2022.

Created in Trübner’s early years, after he had completed his studies at Hans Canon’s private studio in Stuttgart as well as a brief stint at the Academy in Munich, this work shows an as yet unidentified student. In the years following 1869, Trübner’s work was clearly influenced by the painting style of the great Realist master Gustave Courbet, whose works he saw at the International Art Exhibition at Munich’s Glaspalast. Instead of focusing on detailed, meticulous reproductions of objects, Courbet’s realism is devoted to pure painting itself which stands out for its broad impasto brushstrokes. Aside from landscapes, Trübner also liked to paint human subjects, incorporating the essential ideas of Wilhelm Leibl whose circle he belonged to in 1871. The summer of 1872/73 was spent in his native Heidelberg, partly in response to yet another cholera outbreak in Munich. Thanks to its picturesque landscape, Munich is widely regarded as one of the main thematic sources of Romanticism and landscape painting; however, it was primarily due to its university, the oldest in Germany, and its liberal atmosphere that the city gained prominence in the late 1840s. The student depicted here may have been one of the many young men enrolled at the popular, top-ranking law school.

This work of art was part of the distinguished collection of the Jewish industrialist and art collector Carl Sachs (1858–1943) from Breslau. Over the course of his life, Sachs had acquired a wide-ranging and highly prestigious collection of 19th-century German and French artists with a strong emphasis on Impressionism, which included works by Corinth, Liebermann and Trübner as well as Corot, Courbet, Monet and Renoir.
Facing discrimination and persecution during the rise of National Socialism, Carl Sachs and his wife Margarethe, already at an advanced age, were forced to emigrate to Switzerland in February 1939. In 1943, deprived of the fortune he had to leave behind in Germany, Sachs sold the art collection he had brought to Basel, including the Trübner painting. With the state of Baden-Württemberg returning the painting to the heirs of Carl Sachs in 2022, it is now being offered for sale without any restitution claims attached to it. [KT]

Wilhelm Trübner
Studiosus Michaelis, mit Papierrolle, 1873.
Oil on canvas
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 13,750 / $ 15,125

( frais d'adjudication compris)